- 論文の詳細を見る
With a view to elucidating the muscular structure of the vesical sphincter, comparative study has been performed, in contrast, between the microdissections by means of a micromanipulator and the histological findings, both of which were obtained from the normal vesical spincter and that of hypertrophy of the prostate. The following are the results: 1. A normal vesical sphincter is, at the neck of the bladder, a circular muscle layer, semi-lunar in shape and open at the upper part, which is, in other words, a sort of continum of muscle layers. Each of those individual muscular fibers run in a linear direction, thin but even in thickness, and each of them run parallel. The terminals of those muscular bundles are partly distributed within the prostate and reach partly the vermontanum. 2. The vesical sphincter with adenoma in the prostate is thinner than in the normal case, irregular, and high in intensity. The running of each muscular bundle is so complicatedly disarranged that it has been found impossible to trace the bundles to their terminals. 3. Histological findings of the normal vesical sphincter are that each muscular bundle of the bladder is thin, compared with the circular muscle layer, runs straight, coarse in the connective tissues, and compact in general. 4. The vesical sphincter with adenoma in the prostate presents an increase both in connective tissues and muscle fibers, and they are so commingled mosaically that they appear like fibromyoma. The sphincter has also been seen to be intruded by adenoma mixedly. Those findings lead to the following conclusion: a) The vesical sphincter is considered to form part of the prostate. b) The vesical sphincter is recognized to be in the form of muscular bundles, semilunar in shape and open at its upper part; and the part from the neck of the bladder to the vermontanum is inferred to participate in sphincteric function.
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