膀胱腫瘍組織内遊離基の研究 : 第1報 正常膀胱粘膜および膀胱移行上皮癌の遊離基の電子スピン共鳴吸収 (ESR) による分析
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Free radicals in human normal bladder mucosa and human carcinoma tissue of the urinary bladder were observed by JES-3BX type of ESR spectrometer and the following results were obtained. 1. Normal mucosa of the urinary bladder. (1) ESR spectra obtained from fresh normal bladder mucosa usually had an absorption, of which g-value ranged from 2.000 to 2.004 and the width was approximately 18 gauss. In some cases two signals were observed and one of which had g-value of 2.000 to 2.004 and the other one had of 2.010 to 2.013. These signals were never accompanied with hyper fine structure. (2) These signals showed the maximum height when the materials were stored in the frozen state -20℃ in air for 7 days, and there after they decreased their hights gradually. When the materials were stored in the same condition for 20 days or more, a hyperfine structure due to ^<14>N was obtained, which in some materials did not appear even after 30 days storage under the same condition. (3) The wide absorption with g-value of approximately 2.008 extending to 350 gauss was interpreted as the effect of transition metals. The Fe iions, one of those metals, increased with oxidization of tissues and resulted in the appearance of large absorption. 2. Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. (1) ESR spectra from fresh transitional cell carcinoma tissues showed signals of a hyperfine structure due to ^<14> N in the materials, This is the predominant difference of the ESR spectra of the transitional cell carcinoma from those of normal mucosa of the urinary bladder. G-value of the hyperfine structure ranged from 2.012 to 2.014 and the width was approximately 47 gauss. (2) The hyperfine structure observed in transitional cell carcinoma was isotropic. The differences of the ESR spectra between the normal bladder mucosa and the carcinoma tissue of the urinary bladder could be utilized in the field of clinical medicine by means of the diagnosis of pre-cancerous state.
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