尿路結石症における MgO-Alumigel療法の研究
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The purpose of this report is to obtain the theoretical ground of the efficacy of the magnesium-aluminum gel therapy in the management of renal calculi. Fifteen inpatients with calcareous stones in the upper urinary tract, ten males and five females of ages between 18 and 70, Were studied for the metabolism of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate by collection of twenty-four hour urine and by measurement of tubular reabsorption of these inorganic substances. The magnesium/calcium ratio was measured for twenty-four hour urine. One gram of magnesium oxide and 4 grams of Alumigel (90% of aluminum hydroxide) per day were orally administered to each patient from 7 to 12 days, and preceding the examination, the daily intake of calcium and phosphorus was restricted to 150 mg and 500 mg respectively, Calcium and magnesium were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Toshiba-Beckman, 440), inorganic phosphorus by Fiske-Subbarow's method, and creatinine by Folin-Wu's method.
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