攝護腺肥大症ノTransurethral Resectionノ治驗成績
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I have made bladderneckoperation in 58 cases of prostatic hypertrophy by means of Kirwin's Resectoscop, Mc. Carthy's Prostatic Electrotome and Lichtenberg-Hywald's Electrotome. In these cases I have made 88 times of resection. On the 2 cases in which, two way of resection have been made. Satisfactory results have been obtaied in 57 cases. Thus, although I have failed in 1 case. In the majority of the cases, the removed tissue has shown in maximum 20.5 gr. and in the average 5.0 gr. in weight. Mortality has been 5.1 per cent (3 Death ; - Paranephritic abscess; Pneumonia; Pyelitis). Hemorrage, 12 per cent (7 cases), all which has been hemostasised by means of electric coagulator. The recidual urine has shown in 23 cases zero (40%) and in 20 cases 10--30cc (34%). Hospitalised days average 43 days. Complication as follows. (Prostatic abscess 1 case, Pyelitis 3 cases, Bladderstone 3 cases).
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
社団法人日本泌尿器科学会 | 論文
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