泌尿器外科における腎クリアランス試驗の研究 : 第1報 尿管腸吻合術における腎クリアランス試驗
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The renal plasma flow (RPF) (with sodium para-amino hippurate) the renal blood flow, (RBF), the glomeruar .filtration rate (GFR) (with sodium thiosulfate) and the filtration fraction (FF) were measured on 7 dogs in which the both ureters were transplanted into the isolate portion of the sigmoid with the combination of Coffey I method and Kerr-Colby method to have an artificial sigmoid bladder. The results were as follows : 1. Preoperatively. RPF was 177-331 cc/min, on the average 226 cc/min; RBF was 300-551.7 cc/min, on the average 383 cc/min. GFR was 57-88.8.cc/min, on the average 71.8 cc/min and FF was 0.27-38, on the aveiage 0.32. 2. Postoperative changes. a. Of the 7 dogs, 2 dogs were survived, 3 dogs died on the 14th-23rd. postoperative day due to ascending infection of the upper urinary tracts or due to stenosis of the anas-tomosis site and 2 dogs died on the 4th.-7th. postoperative day due to the operation. b. For 24 hours after the operation marked damages of the renal function were seen. RPF, RBF and GFR decreased to 31.5-47.4%, 23.4-40% and 41-50% of each preoperative rate. c. In all dogs except 2 dogs which died due to the operation RPF. RBF and GFR were restored to 60%, 60-70% and 67.3-86.9% of each preoperative rate. On the other hand, 2 dogs which died due to the operation did not show any evidence of restoration. d. In 2 dogs which were survived for long time all three values were restored gradually to the preoperative rate within 3 weeks after the operation. GFR was restored more slowly than RPF and RBF. However, in 3 dogs which died on the 14th.-23rd. day, RPF, RBF and GFR began to decrease again from the 2nd. week after the operation.
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