腎靜脈カテーテル法の泌尿器科的應用(第1報) : 腎靜脈壓,腎動靜脈酸素較差及びヘマトクリツト較差に就て
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In 82 kidneys of 56 patients with urological kidney diseases, renal venous pressure, renal oxygen arterial-venous difference and hematocrit difference were measured by means of renal vein catheterization. The results were as follows: 1) Normal renal venous pressure of right kidney averaged of 10 cases was 131.7 mmH_2O(114 to 165 mmH_2O) and that of left kidney averaged of 19 cases was 143.8 mmH_2O(122 to 177 mmH_2O), taking zero point 8 cm above the table top. Since renal venous pressure taken from right side is usually considered, the measured data should be multiplied by 0.916, if the data from left side is to be discussed. 2) Absolute value of renal venous pressure has nothing to do with the sorts of disease or function of the kidney. However, the cases in which bilateral measurements were carried out so that extrarenal factors were considered to be excluded, revealed generally lower renal venous pressure on the side of affected kidney than on the healthy side. 3) The mean of normal renal oxygen arterial-venous difference of 21 kidneys was 1.72 vol%(1.0 to 2.5 vol%), of which 8 measurements on right side and 13 measurements on left side revealed as average 1.725 vol% and 1.715 vol% respectively. Sufficiently deep left renal vein catheterization was proved to enable to take the pure renal venous blood. 4) The more serious the damage of renal function, the greater the renal oxygen arterial-venous difference. 5) Renal hematocrit arterial-venous difference was not constant. Generally speaking, however, renal venous hematocrit was higher than renal arterial hematocrit, especially inaffected kidney. The difference was greater than five in 4 cases of kidney affection.
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