- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present report, the writer reexamined the San'in Neogene history from the newly obtained litho-, microbio- and volcanostratigraphic data and proposed a sequence expressive in the form of the geohistorical divisions (I-VI), which are introduced and described in this article. With regard to the Miocene tectonics of the Ota city and its environs, which is a representative Neogene area in San'in District, the writer drew six isopach maps based upon geohistrical divisions above mentioned and analyzed each tectonic pattern and discussed its significance. Finally the outline of Neogene tectonic history on the "Shinji Folded Zone" of Shimane peninsula, Shimane prefecture, is described inclusive of the following materials; results by the sonic survey off western Shimane peninsula, Miocene tectonic history derived from Ota city and its environs and some submarine geologic data obtained from off San in District.
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