- 論文の詳細を見る
Pleistocene tectonic and geomorphic development of the westcoast area of Ise Bay is discussed. The development of this area during the Lake Tokai Basin stage is explained by the tephrochronology and the analyses of the gravel deposits. It is considered that the maximum expansion of the Lake Tokai was the age of the deposition of the gravels of the Kuragari type and the Tomari type corresponding to the volcanic ash layers from no. 8 to no. 13. And it is inferred that the Lake Tokai began to be divided in to the west coast area of Ise Bay and the Nohbi Basin area about the time of the volcanic ash layer no. 13 in the Oizumi formation. The basin building of the terraces-forming stage Ise explained by the isopleth map of the deformation of the height of terraces and the profile of terraces. According to the result, the area of Ise Plain was uplifting when the area of Nohbi Plain was sinking, and the basement of the area divided into several blocks and each block tilted to various directions on the different times. It is recognized that the area of Ise Plain was divided into several embryos of small basins and that the area of Ise Bay turned to the depression area and it shows the character of the reducing basin.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1977-02-21
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