- 論文の詳細を見る
The Katashina area is located in the southwestern part of Northeast Japan. The area is important to understand the geological structure of Japan. This paper shows an outline of the geology and geologic structure of the Katashina area on which we had few data. Table 1 shows briefly the geological succession of the area, where three acidic volcanisms between Cretaceous and Neogene ages are remarkable. The first one is the Okunikko Rhyolites made up of rhyolite welded tuff, and is over 300 m in thickness. Granites and granite porphyry are intruded into the Okunikko Rhyolites. The second one is the Katashinagawa Rhyolites, about 1,500 m in thickness, and it consists mainly of rhyolite welded tuff, tuff and tuff breccia. The last one is divided further into the Okkai Group (about 800 m in thickness), Kozawa Tuff (over 400 m) and the Kinugawa Rhyolites (over 300 m). They all consist mainly of rhyolite welded tuff and tuff. The Oigami Rhyolite and the Nigamata Rhyolite are intruded, respectively, into the Okkai Group or the Kozawa Tuff. A significant fault is found along the eastern border of the Katashina Basic Rocks, which have a wide distribution in the central part of the Katashina area. It can be concluded that it is the boundary between the Joetsu Metamorphic Belt and the Ashio Belt. And also it can be concluded that the Joetsu Metamorphic Belt, characterized by crystalline schists and serpentine, is the eastern extension of the Hida Marginal Belt, while the Ashio Belt of non-metamorphic Paleozoic formations (slate, chert and sandstone) is the eastern extension of the Mino Belt.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1976-12-30
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- 韓国南西端, 蘆花島パイロフィライト鉱床の地質と変質分帯(1)-蘆花鉱山第1鉱床について-
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- P-214 韓国南西端,蘆花島パイロフィライト鉱床の地質と変質分帯(28. 岩石鉱物一般,ポスターセッション,一般発表)