- 論文の詳細を見る
Geological structure of the pre-Tertiary basement under the Kanto plain, central Japan, is discussed on the deep drilling cores, the under ground isobath line and the geomorphological and geological characteristics with those of the surrounding area. (1) The Kanto mountains is composed of blocks bordered by fault systems of N-S direction. Yoshimi metamorphic rocks are also one of such structural unit. (2) Yoshimi metamorphic rocks are an uplift block to the north-east of the Kanto mountains. This blockis cut by the fault systems of NW-SE direction, NE-SW direction and E-W direction. (3) The above geological features suggest the location of the Median Tectonic Line on the northern side of Yoshimi hill. (4) The basement cores of Iwatsuki and Kasukabe suggest that the Median Tectonic Line run between those two deep wells. (5) Tectonic lines of NW-SE direction (about N48°W) are supposed along the Tonegawa rift valley of northwestern part of the Kanto plainand are pursued until northern part of the Boso peninsula. The representatives of them are Toride-Kiryu tectonic line, Soka-Maebashi tectonic line, Matsubusi-Ohta tectonic line and Senju-Fujioka tectonic line. These tectonic lines cut obliquely the Outer belt of South-west Japan on the extensional parts at northern area of the Boso peninsula. (6) The northern border line of the metamorphic belt of low-temperature, high-pressure type is clongated on WNW-ESE direction through Kasukabe and Iwatsuki to the northern area of Hiki and Kushibiki hills. This Koshigaya-Takasaki tectonic line, which is regarded as Median Tectonic Line in this paper, crosses the direction of the above introduced tectonic lines of N48°W. (7) The Sanbagawa metamorphic belt run under the Shimosa upland which is the southeastern extention of that of the Kanto mountains. A tectonic line of N-S direction is deduced at the Nakagawa low land of the central part of the Kanto plain (Koga-Kameido tectonic line). (8) The Outer belt runs on the north-eastern part of the Boso peninsula in ENE-WSW direction. The median Tectonic Line of its eastern extension is estimated to locate to the north of Choshi, to the south of Kashima. This tectonic line locates roughly near the lower stream of Tonegawa at the northern part or the Boso peninsula. (9) The basement of Kanto plain consists of the structural units bordered by the above mentioned many fault systems or tectonic lines. Subsidence and uplift of these structural units represents the outline of the basement of the Kanto plain as a whole.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1981-03-30
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