チキソトロピーによる地盤の液状化 : 新潟地震噴砂・変形堆積構造を例として
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There are two main kinds of liquefaction of the ground, one is ascribed to the dilatant proprety of the sediments which is closely related to an increase in pore-water pressure, and the other to the thixotropic behaviour which has been little taken into account. Some ejecteds and during the 1964 Niigata earthquake, however, are similar in their properties to the Knott End quicksand which has been demonstrated to be thixotropic by H. FREUNDLICH and F. JULIUSBURGER (1935), and their modes of occurrence are characteristic of the thixotropic soil. Furthermore, the liquefaction owing to the thixotropic transformation occurs frequently in the deformational sedimentary structures, such as injection clastic dike, ball-and-pillow structure and load structures.
- チキソトロピーによる地盤の液状化 : 新潟地震噴砂・変形堆積構造を例として
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