- 論文の詳細を見る
There are five types of granitic rocks in the North Alps of Japan, viz., The Hida System type, Shimonomoto type, Funazu type, Takase type, and the Nishina type., The Hida System type is a member of the Hida metamorphic complex., The Shimonomoto type intrudes gneisses of the Hida system and grades into the Funazu gtype ranite, which is assumed as a migmatite derived from the former, at the Kamioka Mine., The Funazu type granite intrudes the Palaeozoic system and is intruded by the Takase type granitic rocks and is covered by the Mesozoic Tetori series., The Takase type granitic rocks intrude the Tetori series., They are divided into two series, one of gabbro and grano-diorite, and the other of rhyolitic quartz-porphyry, quartz-porphyry and granite, which intrudes the former., The Nishina type granitic rocks are sub-alkalic and derived from those of the Takase type rocks., Soda-quartz-porphyry, adamellite-porphyry, and quartz-syenite, all characterized by alkali-amphiboles, are found as xenoliths in the pink biotite-granite of the Takase type or are intruded by it., Adamellite-porphyry very poor in quartz-phenocrysts resembles porphyrite., The large dike exposed at the ridge between Yarigatake and Hodakadake consists of andesite intruding the porphyry which is called porphyrite.,
- 1954-10-25
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- 新雑誌「火山」
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- Harold L., Alling: Perthites., Amer., Min., Vol., XVII, No., 2, 1932.,
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- Reinhard, M.,: Unigersal Drehtischmethoden., 1931
- 常陸國山の尾に於ける球状構造を有するペグマタイト
- A., Johannsen: A Descriptive Petrography of the Igneous Rocks., Vol., I., 1931.,
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