島根縣松江市附近の中新世 Cyclammina (豫報)
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Owing to the kindness of Mr., Y., TAI, the writer had an opportunity to examine some fossil foraminifera collected from the so-called lower Miocene Furue formation, the middle part of the Shinzi group in the vicinity of Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture., Through the study of the specimens belonging to the genus Cyclammina, it was clarified that the fauna of teh Furue formation contains abundant Cyclammina japonica ASANO plus C., pusilla BRADY, but a few C., incisa (STACHE) plus C., orbicularis BRADY., Hitherto the abundant occurrence of Cyclammina japonica ASANO and C., pusilla BRADY in the Miocene of Japan has been only known in Akita Pref., and Niigata Pref., both of which are considered to have been affected by the colder Kurile current (or OYASHIO-current)., Therefore it seems resonable to conclude that the Furue formation must have also deposited under the influence of the colder Kurile current; the conclusion being in harmony with that from the study of mollusca by Y., OTUKA (1937) and Y., TAI(1951).,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1951-12-18
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