本邦産スコロド石類の研究 II : 主として化學成分について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Eight new chemical analyses of minerals of the scordite group made by the present writer have been given (Table 4), specimens being one each from the Okumitate and Toroku mines, Miyasaki Prefecture, one each from the Sasagatani and Tsunotsu mines, Shimane Prefecture and four from the Kamikinobetsu mine, Hokkaido., These are all massive, expect three specimens from the last named locality, two of which are either white or yellow powder, the remaining being light green filmy substances., To this filmy scorodite a new mineral name, aluminoscorodite, has been given., Its composition may be represented by the formula, (Al, Fe)AsO_4・2H_2O, where the ratio Al:Fe is 1:4., The mineral may be considered to be a variety of scorodite in which part of Fe is isomorphously replaced by Al., It is interesting to note that a new mineral, mansfieldite, corresponding to AlAsO_4・2H_2O was found and described by V.,T.,Allen and J.,J.,Fahey, Min., Abst., 1948, P.,353.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
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