- 論文の詳細を見る
In the central part of the Miura Peninsula, the Hayama group, which uncomformably underlies the Miura group, is distributed in two areas, namely, the Akiya-Takeyama area and the Hayama-Kinugasa area., In the Akiya-Takeyama area, the group is divided into the following seven formations in discending order (3), (3') and (3") are the same horizon., (5) Kinugasa mudstone, (1700m+in thickness)., (4) Nakayama fine sandstone, (1100m±in thickness)., (3) Oyama tuffaceous sandstone, (1100m±in thickness); (3') Osawa sandston and conglomerate, (900m±); (3") Sakanodai tuff-breccia, (400m±in thickness)., (2) Hatadateyama alternation of sandstone and shale, (1000m± in thickness)., (1) Morito mudstone, (1400m+in thickness)., These formations are folded, and several masses of serpentine have been intruded along the three axes of the folds., In the Hayama-Kinugasa area, the group is divided into the following two formations in discending order., (2) Tateisi shale, (350m+in thickness)., (1) Takeyama siltstone, (1500m+in thickness)., These formations are monoclinic in structure, strike east, and dip about 60° north., Although no important fossils have been discovered in these formations, on the basis of stratigraphy, the group is thought to be Japanese lower Miocene (F_1 in IKEBE'S Letter Nomination) in age., My paper on the Miura group will be published in this Journal in the near future.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1954-01-25
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