- 論文の詳細を見る
The cranio-facial morphology of 282 male young adults was studied in relation to the dental arch types which were concurrently measured on the plaster models taken from the same subjects, and the possible correlation between these two values was discussed. 1) The most frequent found of the cranio-facial types wes the brachymorphic type in term of the morphologi cal classification of facial index, the ovoid or round type in term of the authors diagrams based on his measurement. 2) In the measurement of dental arch, the angle BDB' and the value of ratio AE : AC were calculated and the correlation between these values were studied. The result obtained seems to demonstrate clearly the morphological characteristics of the dental arch as shown in Fig. 7 and in Table 6. 3) No clear conclusion has been reached as to the correlation between the cranio-facial and dental arch morphologies.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1957-03-31
- 魚類の歯牙に関する研究 : 形態学的観察
- 30. 陶歯とレジンの関係について (第1報) (日本補綴歯科学会九州支部学会 (第58回) 講演抄録)
- 17. 陶材の量と整形の関係について(第 30 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 3/4 冠について(その 2)
- 1. 義歯床に加わる咬合圧の研究 第6報
- 4 分の 3 冠について(その 1)
- 7. 歯根の生物学的研究(予報)(第 30 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
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- (2) 間接法に依る金冠継続歯の調製法(補綴学, 昭和 28 年度夏季齒学臨床講習会示説要旨)
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