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A study was conducted on the mitochondria of pancreatic gland cells as obtained from the wistar strain male albino rats during the resting phase of the cells 4 to 24 hours after food intake, with reference to their age change or senile change in morphology, distribution and number of occurrence. For this purpose, a total of 30 animals ranging in age from 5 to 1325 days after birth was divided into 4 age stage groups, namely, infantile (5 to 20 days), growing (24 to 52 days), mature (76 to 367 days) and senile (517 to 1325 days) groups. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1) In the resting phase of the call activity, the mitochondria of the pancreatic gland cells were arranged almost uniformly along the periphery of the nucleus in the bilateral, basal and upper sides. Those situated along the bilateral and upper sides of the nucleus were oriented approximately in parallel with longitudinal axis of the cell, while those situated in the basal side were oriented approximately in parallel with the basal plane of the nucleus. In morphology they appeared predominantly in thread-and rod-like forms, but short rod and rounded forms were also found, though less frequently. Number of mitochondria present in those cells was generally but small. Number of the secretion granules increased or decreased inversely with that of the mitochondria, and in the resting phase of the cell, they appeared to fill the inner half part or more of the cell body. 2) Morphology of the mitochondria was not apparently subject to any significant change through entire life span of the animal from infantile to senile stages. 3) With respect to distribution of various forms of mitochondria, it was revealed that in the infantile stage, the rounded forms were frequently seen at the upper side of nucleus, while in the growing and mature stages they were seen mainly at the lateral and basal sides of nucleus. In the upper side of nucleus where the most part of the space was occupied by secretion granules. presence of the mitochondria remained obscure. By the later half of the senile stage of animal, arrangemeut of the mitochondria became irregular owing to their decreased staining reaction and appearance of the vacuoles of various sizes into the cell body. 4) Number of the mitochondria increased gradually from the infantile to growing stages of animal and reached at its maximum at the early part of mature stage, though declining thereafter. After the later part of mature stage of animal, however, no significant shift in the number was observed toward the senile stage of animal. 5) There could not be found any significant difference between the mitochondria isolated separately from Caput, Corpus and Cauda pancreatis, with regard to their morphology, distribution and number of occurrence in the cells.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1960-05-31
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