口腔領域より分離した Corynebacterium と Proteus Group およびグラム陰性桿菌との拮抗作用に関する研究
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Studies were conducted on antagonistic relation between a variety of microorganisms which included 4 strains of Corynebacterium and 6 strains of Proteus, both donated from the collections of Densenbyo Kenkyusho (Infections Disease Research Instituie) and Kitazato Institute, and those strains of Corynebacterium and Gram-negative bacilli isolated from the normal human mouth. The results were summarized as follows. 1) In applying the contact method, the most favored of solid was media 1% glucose agar. 2) Largest zone of inhibition on the medium was developed at pH 7.0. 3) Largest zone of inhibition was produced in plates with internal diameter of 8.8 cm containing 7 ml. of culture medium (1.3 mm in thickness). 4) It was learned by experiments that, except for by the contact method, zone of inhibition either remained small or obscure when the mixed culture method, filter paper method, liquid medium method, superposing and cup methods were respectively used. 5) The zone of inhibition was most clearly demonstrated on the fresh plate at 24-hour culture, and the size of zone diminished with increasing age of culture. Attempt to bring inhibition by the bacterial filtrate was unsuccessful regardless of time of incubation. 6) In an experiment where the sterilized human saliva was tested for possible antagonistic ability, it was revealed that in the medium to which saliva was added in 10%, an inhibitory zone was produced, where as saliva added in 50% did not produce any effect. 7) Intracutaneous injection of 0.1 ml. of C.xerosjs suspension on animals caused no change or caused only reddening on inspection after 24 hours, as compared to the control animal. Injection of 0.1 ml. of P.morganii suspension produced a knoll-like red swelling 14×20mm in size. Injection of 0.1 ml. mixed suspension containing equal amounts of the two bacterial suspensions produced a knoll-like red swelling 14×20 in size encircling an abscess 2×4mm in size. Increase in the amount of the mixed suspension from 0.1 ml. to 0.2ml. did not change the result appreciably. The degree of reddening and swelling observed after 48 hours remained the same with that observed after 24 hours. The abscess eventually broke out spontaneously. 8) Of two organisms introduced to the animal as mixed suspension, only Proteus could be recovered by means of either direct smear preparation or smear culture on the isolating medium. 9) Passages of Proteus bacilli through animals tended to increase the virulence according to local macroscopic finding and to increase recovery of the bacteria from the lesion ; however, no change in virulence was suggested with regard to development or the extent of inhibitory zone as compared to the control. 10) Examination of the impression pattern of the inhibitory zone revealed that at the portion where Proteus and Corynebacteria were grown in mixture, there were seen degeneraion and lysis on the part of Corynebacteria, while in the inhibitory zone there was neither Proteus nor Corynebacterium to be seen. 11) Growth inhibition was independent of the pHs of the medium used. Nutritional requirement of Proteus was greater than that of Corynebacterium. 12) A total of 132 strains of Corynebacteria was isolated from various sourses of the mouth of 210 subjects (63.8%), and a total of 70 strains of gram-negative rods was isolated from the same sourses of 150 subjects (47%). Of the former, 32 strains were identified as C.pseudodiphtheriticum, 11 strains as Group 2, 4 strains as C.xerosis, 6 strains as Group 6 and 19 strains as Group 8. Of the latter organism, 15 strains were identified as P.morganii, 11 strains as E.freundii, 5 strains as Flavobacterium, 5 strains as Achromob acter, 1 strain as E. coli and 20 stains as Paracolon. 13) Of the antagonistic relations strudied between these isolates, it was most notable that most of Corynebacteria were inhibited by the gram-negative rods, of which E.freundii producing H_2S was the strongest organism to inhibit Corynebacteria.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1960-05-31
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- 口腔領域より分離した Corynebacterium と Proteus Group およびグラム陰性桿菌との拮抗作用に関する研究
- Corynebacterium と Proteus Group との括抗作用に関する研究(第 19 回 九州歯科学会総会)