家兎癌の移植実験 : 1 Brown-Pearce tumor の継代移植実験と家兎口腔領域の移植実験について
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The auther made an attempt to implant Brown-Pearce Tumor's homogenate into the testicles (successive transplantation), the tongue, the cheek, of the rabbits. The results thus obtained were described below. 1. Successive transplantation (into the testicles) 1 The forty out of the fifty three cases (75. 4 per cent) were positive about the successive transplanation. 2 The seven out of these cases (13. 2 per cent) developed a small nodule at the site of inoculation which appeared to be something more than the usual granulomatous reaction but was not sufficiently difinite to warrant a positive diagnosis of tumor growth. The six out of these cases (11.4 per cent) did not appeare to be positive cases of tumor growth. 3 The existece period of the rabbits, which were transplanted the tumor, was about two weeks in the winter season, and was about four weeks in the summer season. 4 The course of the tumor growth was somewhat different. 5 At autopsy, the metastasis adout the positive cases were found in the omentum, the mesentery, the diaphragm, the peritoneum, at the early stage after transplantation, and that remarkably. 2. Transplantation into the cheek and the tongue 1 The five out of the fifteen cases (33 per cent), which were transplanted the tumor into the cheek were positive. The five out of thirteen cases (44 per cent), which were transplanted the tumor into the tongue were positive. 2 The three out of the thirteen cases (23 per cent) developed a small nodule at the site of tongue, which appeared to be something more than the usual granulomatous reaction but was not sufficiently difinite to warrant a positive diagnosis of tumor growth. The ten out of the fifteen cases (67 per cent), which were transplanted the tumor into the cheek did not appeare to be positive diagnosis of tumor growth. The five out of the thirteen cases (33 per cent), which were transplanated the tumor into the tongue did not appear to be positive diagnosis of tumor growth. 3 The existence period of the rabbits, which were transplanted the tumor into the cheek was about three weeks and the period for the rabbits which were transplanted the tumor into the tongue were about two weeks. 4 At autopsy, the metastasis of the rabbits with transplantation of tumor into the cheek, were found in the submaxillary lympatic gland and the neck lympatic gland. The metastasis of those with transplanting of tumor into the tongue, were not found because the subjects died of inability to take food.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1969-05-31
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- 32. 上顎癌の発育に関する実験的研究 : その 1. 家兎上顎洞内へ移植された Vx2 Carcinoma の発育態度について(第 29 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 25. 家兎癌の移植実験 : (第 2 報) VX_2 carcinoma について(第 28 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 2. 家兎癌の移植実験 : Brown-Pearce Tumor について(2 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 家兎癌の移植実験 : 1 Brown-Pearce tumor の継代移植実験と家兎口腔領域の移植実験について
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