Oral-facial-digital syndrome の 1 亜型について
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Recently, I had an opportunity to encounter a 7 years old boy suffering from cleft of left prepalate and palate, bifid tongue associated with a thickened lingual frenum, hypertrophy of upper and lower gingiva, delaid eruption of permanent teeth, hyperterolism, deformity of nasal alar cartilarge, basilar kyphosis, digital anomalies consisting of brachyphalingia of fingers and toes and shortness of radius and ulna. Chromosomal analysis made by the peripheral leukocyte culture technic in the present patient showed 46/XY, with no visible abnormalties. Furthermore it was revealed that his parents were in consangunieous marriage cousinly. The author's opinion about the present case is that such a condition corresponds to a subtypical form of oral-facial-digital syndrome described by Papillon-Leage and Psaume in 1954.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1968-06-30
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- Oral-facial-digital syndrome の 1 亜型について
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