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Composite resins have been preferably used as the esthetic restorations. However, they sometimes produce certain pulpal irritation. It may be partly attributed to the presence of irritants involving unreacted substances such as residual monomers in the resin restoration. In this study, therefore, the permeability of those substances through dentin structure into pulpal chamber was investigated using sound extracted teeth. The high speed liquid chromatography revealed that Bis-GMA and Tri-EDMA monomers and a substance having a molecular weight of about 140 were eluted in distilled water from the composite resin used. These residual substances could easily pass through the dentin when the resin was placed in the prepared cavity without removing the smear layer. There could be found no significant increase in the permeability by the acid treatment of the dentinal wall although it has been considered so far that the treatment would result in the increased permeability. When a light-chemical-curing bonding agent was applied to the acid-etched dentin, the penetration of Tri-EDMA was markedly decreased and that of the unidentified substance was entirely inhibited. A chemical-curing bonding agent, on the other hand, showed no significant effects on the permeability. Furthermore, the 3%FeCl_3 treatment of the dentin prior to applying the bonding agent showed much better ability to block the penetration of these substances, permitting only a small amount of Tri-EDMA to pass. It was found from SEM observations that the composite resins exhibited fairy tight bonding to the dentinal wall with the aid of the light-chemical-curing bonding agent while the chemical-curing bonding agent produced large interfacial gaps between them. No gaps were observed in the combined use of the light-chemical-curing bonding agent and chemical-curing composite resin on the 3%FeCl_3-pretreated dentin. Thus the permeability of the residual substances through dentin was well correlated with the presence of the interfacial gaps between the composite resin and dentinal wall. In addition, it was also suggested that the deposits resulting from 3%FeCl_3 treatment might play an important role to block the permeation of the residual substances by sealing the dentin tubules.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1989-02-25
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