虚弱下顎骨に対する高カルシウム食, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する実験的研究 : 歯槽骨の変化
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There is no fixed treatment method for debilitated bone at the growth stage. In general, measures taken are symptomatic. Male Wistar rats aged three weeks old which corresponds to human childhood were used. Calcium-deficient food was given and bone debility was induced in them. A treatment method combining high calcium food (mixed food of standard food and cuttlebone in the ratio of 2 to 1) and calcitonin was used. The results were as follows : 1. Analytical findings on the X-ray microanalyzer Relative Ca ratio and relative P ratio were determined from the results of quantification analysis by point analysis. In relative Ca ratio, values were shown in the descending order of the control group, calcium-deficient food + high calcium food group, combined treatment group, and calcium-deficient food group. In relative P ratio, the valued were shown in the descending order of the control group, combined treatment group, calcium-deficient food + high calcium food group, and calcium-deficient food group. 2. Histopathological findings In the calcium-deficient food + high calcium food group as compared with the calcium-deficient food group, osseous quantity in the whole osseous layer increased, and bone remodeling mechanism of transition from bone resorption to bone fromation was actively accelerated. Furthermore, in the combined treatment group, fasciculated bone showed increase in thickness and spongy bone showed increase in Haversian system markedly. 3. Findings on scanning electron microscope In the combined treatment group, dense collagen fibrils running in a given direction increased and findings of bone matrix united with collagen fibril network increased. 4. Hematological findings In the combined treatmet group as compared with the control group, no significant differences were found in blood electrolyte or in blood biochemistry. Examination of endocrinic functions showed low values for CT in the combined treatment group as compared with the control group. 1, 25(OH)_2VD showed high values in the combined treatment group as compared with the control group. On the basis of the foregoings findings, in the combined treatment group, calcification and bone construction were accelerated, but the osseous layer as a whole was not completely recovered as compared with the control group.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1994-04-25
- 26. 虚弱骨に対する高カルシウム食, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する実験的研究 : 歯槽骨の変化(第 52 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- P∿26 虚弱骨に対する高カルシウム食、カルシトニンの併用療法に関する実験的研究 : 歯槽骨の変化
- 虚弱下顎骨に対する高カルシウム食, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する実験的研究 : 歯槽骨の変化 : 主論文の要旨
- 虚弱下顎骨に対する高カルシウム食, カルシトニンの併用療法に関する実験的研究 : 歯槽骨の変化
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