ラット自由行動下における頬筋, 舌筋, 咬筋活動の筋電図学的研究
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A Mammal stops sucking and starts chewing in the growing process. Buccinator muscle, which is one of the facial muscles, mainly works during sucking. Masseter muscle, which is one of the masticatory muscles, mainly works during chewing. Tongue muscle works to help sucking and chewing. I studied electromyographically the buccinator, tongue and masseter muscles in freely-moving rats, with a view to finding the characteristics and the relations of those muscles' activities during feeding, grooming, exploring and resting. Bipolar electromyographic electrodes of 50μm (in diameter) stainless steel wire coated with Teflon^[○!R] were placed subcutaneously on the center of buccinator, tongue and masseter muscles, and led to a connector pedestal on the rat's head. EMGs of the buccinator muscle and the tongue muscle were recorded simultaneously, and so were those of the buccinator muscle and the masseter muscle. The results were as follows ; 1. The rhythmical discharges of the buccinator, tongue and masseter muscles appeared during feeding, grooming, exploring and resting. 2. The rhythmical bursts during feeding of the buccinator muscle had relation to that of the tongue muscle, and also to that of the masseter muscle. The cycles of those were about 220 msec in all of them. 3. The time lag of the rhythmical bursts during feeding between the buccinator muscle and the tongue muscle was about 100 msec. That between the buccinator muscle and the masseter muscle was about 10 msec. 4. The duration of the rhythmical bursts during feeding was the longest in the tongue muscle's activities, and was almost the same between the buccinator and the masseter muscle activities. 5. The integrated EMG activities of the buccinator muscle were almost the same in the cases except resting. The integrated EMG activities of the tongue muscle in grooming and exploring were about half of that in feeding, that in resting, about the one fifth of that in feeding. The integrated EMG activities of the masseter muscle in grooming, exploring and resting was smaller than that in feeding.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1993-02-25
井ノ森 巳賀子
井ノ森 巳賀子
井ノ森 巳賀子
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