生理的体表微小振動 Minor Tremor の歯科臨床におけるいくつかの現象の指標としての有用性
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Physiological surface tremor (traditionally minor tremor and abbreviated as MT) can be taken without giving any damage or impairment to the subjects. In this report, an MT pickup each was placed at the masseteric, infraorbital and thenar regions, ipsilaterally when the tooth pained and bilaterally for comparison. MT thus recorded was used to discuss or evaluate some phenomena in the dental field. MT oscillation was converted to the integrated values of each band wave by simultaneous use of an EEG band analyzer. After averaging the integrated values for about 100sec and illustrating them with δ, θ, α, β_1 and β_2 arranged from the left to the right, the patterns of the top line of histograms were compared. In this aspect, characteristic normal features of the patterns were α band dominant in thenar and masseteric MT and θ band dominant in infraorbital MT. Personal variation was present in absolute value but not in pattern. Survey of side preference of the arm and the jaw by thenar and masseteric MT indicated that willingly used side for a long period was characterized by promoting effect on each oscillatory system. One of pain reactions which appear in parallel with subjective pain perception is an index in this observation. When diseased-tooth pain (often moderate in grade) was present, infraorbital MT on that side showed a smooth top line and lost original θ band dominancy, and when it disappeared by analgetics the θ dominancy re-appeared. When tooth pain elicited by cold water occurred (often sharp in grade), the top line of histogram from infraorbital MT rose steeply to β_2 end, and when it subsided original θ band dominancy tended to re-appear. Tooth pain affected infraorbital MT pattern greately but thenar MT a little.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1985-10-25
- 上顎骨に発生した良性骨芽細胞腫の1例
- 生理的体表微小振動 Minor Tremor の歯科臨床におけるいくつかの現象の指標としての有用性 : 主論文の要旨
- 生理的体表微小振動 Minor Tremor の歯科臨床におけるいくつかの現象の指標としての有用性
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