- 論文の詳細を見る
A neuro-pathohistological study was made with use of 48 Wistar rats on the behaviour of the distal nerve tissues in the tongue with cryosurgery for N. hypoglossus. The N. hypoglossus have been exposed at the proximal side and frozen to -100℃ for 90 seconds. The results were as follow : 1) Immediatly after freezing, the bundle of nerve fibers in the tongue suffered degeneration and reached a height of degeneration on 3rd day. By 10th day, the degenerated nerve fibers disappeared. Degeneration advanced gradually from the proximal to the distal side and finally spreaded over the tongue. 2) Regeneration of the nerve fibers started on 3rd day as the proliferation of Schwann cells with the delicate nerve fibers in the radical region of tongue. On 10th day, these delicate nerve fibers formed bands of thinly arranged nerve fibers, and the bands began to extend gradually to the distal region about 14th day after freezing. The nerve distribution was about completed on 30th day after freezing, but the nerve fibers were still delicate. On 60th day, there was no difference between the experimental side and the normal side. 3) The muscle tissues neighbouring on a line of progress of freezing nerve bands in the tongue suffered inflammation with edema on 2nd day, and reached a high level on 5th day. Appearence of inflammation of the muscle tissues was seen on 20th day. 4) The process of degeneration and regeneration of the distal nerve fibers after cryosurgery was similar to the usual pattern seen after surgical-cut. But beginning of regeneration for cryosurgery was earlier than for surgical-cut, and the completion of distribution was very early also. As stated above, it is clear that cryosurgery considerably affects nerve tissues, though not so greatly as surgical-cut. Therefor clinical application of cryosurgery in the oral cavity must be made with care. Particular care must be taken in an application to oral tissues to have a good grasp of the surrounding nerve distribution and not to affect the nerves.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1984-02-25
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