- 論文の詳細を見る
Transfusion of stored blood has brought a great progress in the management of the surgical patients. However, problems associated with it, such as transfusionhepatitis and blood shortage have led researchers to reduce the amount of blood transfused. This study was undertaken to establish the criterion of postoperative care of the cases who were managed under reduced blood transfusion during operation in oral surgery. The summeries could be obtained as follows. 1. In those patients whose blood loss during operation was under 2000g (ml), 40-50 per cent of the bleeding volume, lactated Ringer's solution, plasma expander were infused as the program of our clinic. The circulating blood volume was effectively maintained at the preoperative value during immediate postoperative period. 2. It is desiable that 60-70 per cent of the bleeding volume should be transfused in the cases whose intraoperative blood loss was over 2000g (ml). 3. In some patients, the circulating plasma volume decreased to 90 per cent or less of the preoperative value on the 1st postoperative day. To maintain the postoperative circulating plasma volume at approximately preoperative value, 1000 to 1500 ml of solution which was a mixture of lactated Ringer's solution and isotonic dextrose as the ratio 2 : 1 should be infused during postoperative 12-14 hours. 4. The circulating plasma volume decreased for three days after operation. In this period, a mixture of lactated Ringer's solution, or multiple electrolyte solution, and isotonic dextrose as the ratio 1 : 1 should be given in the amount of 40 ml/kg/day. 5. In the 7th postoperative day, erythropoiesis was usually found (reticulocyte count increased, serum concentration of iron and per cent saturation of transferrin decreased, total iron-binding capacity of serum began to increase). The prescription of iron drug was effective to improve postoperative anemia when this treatment was started on the 8th postoperative day. The total amount of iron given was that of lost in the blood. 6. In children on whom the cleft-palate operation were performed, postoperative anemia was poorly improved although iron drug was given for 7days including the immediate postoperative period. 7. The bleeding tendency caused by hemodilution was not observed in this clinical cases. From the evaluation of above data, the criterion of postoperative care of the cases who were managed under reduced blood transfusion during operation was established in our clinic.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1977-01-31
- 比較的広範囲な下顎骨オトガイ部欠損に対する下顎骨移動手術の応用例について
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- 16. いわゆる Sliding Method により下顎骨オトガイ部欠損を補填した-治験例(第 39 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 16 いわゆる Sliding method により下顎骨オトガイ部欠損を補填した一治験例
- 51. 我が教室に於ける入院患者の統計的観察(昭和 21 年∿50 年まで)(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 5. 口腔外科領域における乳幼児腫瘍症例について(第 13 回九州小児外科学会)
- 8. 脱血性ショック実験犬における血清亜鉛・銅濃度に関する研究(第 40 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 45. 肥満者の麻酔経験(第 37 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
- 34. 輸血節減下手術の術後管理における問題点と対策(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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