小学生における体格の増加量と乳歯減少歯数, 永久歯増加数との関係
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A total of 732 pupils of public school was selected from residents a district of Yawata, Kitakyushu for the present study. They were consisted of both sexes and ranged in age from 78 to 126 months. These subjects were measured for the number of deciduous teeth lost during the period of one year (t), for the number of permanent teeth increased during the same period (T), and for the increments of body height (H), body weight (W), and sitting height (S. H) and chest girth (C. G) respectively, and possible correlationship existing between these data was analyzed. Results were summarized as follows. 1. Number of Teeth Lost or Increased and Increments of Body Height and Other Physical Parameters t : Number of deciduous teeth lost (t) increased with increasing month of age, this was true with both upper and lower jaws. T : Number of permanent teeth increased (T) showed little fluctuation with increasing month of age except that it showed a slight increase in upper quadrants as compared to lower quadrants. H : Increment of body height (H) was slighty larger in the female pupils than in the male pupils, but hardly showed any noticeable difference with increasing month of age with both sexes. W : Increment of weight (W) was slightly larger in the female than in the male pupils and, with both sexes, the increment became greater with increasing month of age. C.G. : There was hardly any noticeable sex difference in the increment of chest girth, nor was there any difference with progressive age of subjects. S.H. : There was no sex difference nor age difference in this respect.
- 1974-07-31
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- 小学生における体格の増加量と乳歯減少歯数, 永久歯増加数との関係
- 小学生における体格の増加量と乳歯減少歯数, 永久歯増加歯数との関係 : 主論文の要旨