Candida albicans の germ tube-like filament に関する研究 : 2. In vivo における germ tube-like filament 形成とその病原性
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Through the autopsy study of heart, lung, liver, spleen and kidney conducted on mice of experimental Candidiasis, the writer made macroscopic observation together with the bacteriological, and patho-histological studies on the level of light and electron microscopy. Results were obtained as follows. Histologically, a characteristic change was found in the kidney. The fungus cells was supposed to enter into the renal corpuscle by route of the renal artery and have become stationary in Bowman's capsule due to the morphological and functional characteristics of the renal corpuscle. The fungus cells were seen to elongate rapidly within a short period to assume the growth form of germ tubes in Bowman's capsule. The cells then penetrated into the renal tubular lumen by piercing Bowman's capsule and multiplied there and in the tubular epithelial cells forming infectious focus. A necrotic change was observed in the area of infected tubular epithelium cells and further, surrounding this area, strands of fibrous matter about 50 mμ in width were seen arranged in a barricade form which apparently originated from both host cells and the parasite cells.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1970-01-31
- 14. 前歯部ポーセレンジャケットクラウンに機能コア : を応用した症例(第 28 回九州歯科学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- 1. Candida albicans 菌細胞の病原性発現の機序について : 特に腎における所見(9 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
- 97. Enamel Hypoplasia 患者の Oral Rehabilitation の臨床例
- 2. Candida albicans の germ tube について
- Candida albicans の germ tube-like filament に関する研究 : 論文内容の要旨
- Candida albicans の germ tube-like filament に関する研究 : 2. In vivo における germ tube-like filament 形成とその病原性
- Candida albicans の germ tube-like filament に関する研究 : 1. In vitro における germ tube-like filament 形成に関する実験
- 3. Candida albicans の germ tube について(第 II 報)(九州歯科学会 1 月例会)