35G15 : Analysis of clonality in ameloblastoma by PCR assay of androgen receptor gene polymorphism
Fukuda Y.
Clin Lab, Dept of Oral Pathol, First Dept of Oral Maxillofac Surg, Osaka Univ Fac of Dent
Ishida T.
Clin Lab, Dept of Oral Pathol, First Dept of Oral Maxillofac Surg, Osaka Univ Fac of Dent
Kishino M.
Clin Lab Osaka Univ Dent Hosp
Fukuda Y.
Clin Lab Osaka Univ Dent Hosp
Ishida T.
Clin Lab, Osaka Univ Dent Hosp
- 17D10: A case of palatal tumor (Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Oral Pathology)
- 1 : A case of maxillary cyst
- 24 : Two cases of vesiculo-bullous lesion of the oral mucosa
- 11D8 : Tumor of upper lip
- 45 : A case of palatal tumor
- 35G15 : Analysis of clonality in ameloblastoma by PCR assay of androgen receptor gene polymorphism
- 44G19 : Introduction of oral pathology mailing-list