肺結核患者に心電圖に關する統計的研究(第4報) : 肢誘導點電位心電圖と血壓及び赤沈との關係
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(1) 700 cases of non-surgically treated patients with pulmonary tuberculosis were examined for abnormalities in position type and T wave by means of φ-pattern. Incidence of such abnormalities was statistically correlated to erythrocyte sedimentation rate and blood pressure.(2) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate below 10mm was most populat throughout the entire group. Normal type was popular among individuals with nearly normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Vertical type and right axis deviation were popular among those with increased sedimentation rate.(3) Normal T wave occurred frequently in association with normal sedimentation rate, wile abnormal T wave occurred frequently in association with increased sedimentation rate. This held both for frequency and grade.(4) Normal blood pressure was recorded from 70% of the entire group examined. In association with vertical type and right axis deviation many cases showed lowered systolic blood pressure.(5) Normal T wave was often asociated with normal blood pressure, and abnormal T wave with hypotension. This held both for ferquency of incidence and grade.(6) The author postulates that tubercle bacillus toxin causes a generalized atonia of the cardiovascular system, hence vertical type, right axis deviation and T abnormalities.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1956-12-20
- 136)虚脱肺の循環系に及ぼす影響 : その三.主として人工氣胸時の肺動脈壓の心臓カテーテル法による檢索成績について(豫報)(一般演説,第17回日本循環器學會總會)
- 肺結核患者の心電圖に關する統計的研究 (第6報) : 肢誘導點電位心電圖と病理解剖學的所見との關係
- 肺結核患者の心電圖に關する統計的研究(第5報) : 肢誘導點電位心電圖と病型並に病巣の擴りとの關係
- 肺結核患者に心電圖に關する統計的研究(第4報) : 肢誘導點電位心電圖と血壓及び赤沈との關係
- 肺結核患者の心電圖に關する統計的研究(第2報) : 肢誘導點電位心電圖と性及び年齡との關係
- 肺結核患者の心電圖に關する統計的研究(第1報) : 肢誘導点電位心電図の位置型並にT波に就て
- 肺結核患者の心電図に関する統計的研究-4-
- 肺結核患者の心電図に関する統計的研究-3-
- 77) 結核心の病理學的研究(續報)(一般演説,第16回日本循環器學會總會)
- 76) 結核心の實驗的研究(一般演説,第16回日本循環器學會總會)
- 101)肺結核患者心電圖の研究(第15回日本循環器學會)
- 46)結核心の病理學的研究(豫報)
- (92)アレルギー性疾患に於ける抗原特異性問題に關する實驗的研究 : その1 結核菌及びB.C.G.による實驗的心筋炎(一般講演(第2日),日本循環器學會第13回總會記事)
- (28)その八 心筋ホスフアチイード實驗的心筋炎に於ける蛋白體の問題 : 2)結核菌(一般講演(其の一),日本循環器學會第十二回總會記事)