技術社会における社会的エートスの検証 : E.スフールマンの技術社会論を通して
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This paper explores the social ethos of technological society as developed in the theories of the Christian philosopher, Egbert Schuurman. He is an advocate of Reformational Philosophy and his major contribution has been in the theory of technological society, which he has developed in his work as a professor at the Agricultural University of Wageningen and in other places in the Netherlands. He is also a member of the Senate (the Upper House) in the Dutch Parliament. This paper is written in honour of Prof. Sumito HARUNA, and explores social ethos in technological society; and develops a detailed investigation of social ethos in order to answer the question: how should we, as Christians, approach technological society? The first section is titled: "Introduction: The environmental problem and the theory of Egbert Schuurman". I begin by reporting upon some environmental issues, and, following the lead of Schuurman's theory, I then identify the neglected religious philosophical background to the problems we face. The second section "Technocrats and revolutionary futurologists from Schuurman's viewpoint" deals with two major trends in technological society. The contribution of technocrats and revolutionary futurologists are compared and contrasted and the religious ground motives of their thinking are then identified. Schuurman points in another direction for thinking about technology by emphasizing a biblically-directed world-view that is neither technocratic nor revolutionary in the futurological sense. The third section is "The prevailing mental temperament of technicism and its ethos in technological society". In this part I deal with Technicism as the specific and fundamental attitude guiding thinking within technological society. I will argue that, in all its variations, it is the opposite of any biblical view on life and technology. Technicism implies a utilitarian ethic and demands that a collective mentality be held in common by all. I suggest that, in fact, Technicism brings about a reduction in technological effectiveness and, within the logic of Capitalist technology, shifts into the role of lord and master. The fourth section is "The religion of technology as a living cultural environment" is concerned with the religion of Technicism. I develop a perspective upon the ethos of technology from the work of Dr. Hujio IKADO and Max Weber in the sociology of religion. The fifth section is "The multi-dimensional balance promoted by Schuurman's theory and the problem of the human heart". This part explores the thought of Prof. Sumito HARUNA, the famous Christian philosopher, who has discussed this issue in various places. I deal mainly with the balance promoted by Schuurman's theory, and discuss the biblically-directed presuppositions of his theory which transcend his theorizing. The final part is "Conclusion: the fundamental presupposition of theoretical thought" is written to point to the issues I want to discuss in my next research paper. I conclude that since the religious ground motive in technological society derives from the religious commitment to the autonomy of humankind we must be careful to investigate the technological ethos in a balanced way, carefully managing technology in all of its dimensions and keeping the religious ground motive that drives it in view.
- 2004-03-25
- 一灯園--リミナリティの神話と儀式-2-
- 一灯園--リミナリティの神話と儀式-1-
- 技術社会における社会的エートスの検証 : E.スフールマンの技術社会論を通して
- 書評へのリプライ(『社会的エートスと社会倫理』)(書評とリプライ)