- 論文の詳細を見る
Mr. Masao Nishiki was born in a small village facing the Seto Inland Sea in Hiroshima Prefecture in 1883. He was a studious geographer locally resided. He became an assistant teacher in primary school in 1898 and then obtained teaching certificate of geography for middle school in 1909. Working as a teacher at a middle school, he devoted his time to research work on geography, improvement and enrichment of geography teaching. He became one of leaders in the field of geography and its teaching in Japan before he died in the Atomic Bomb attack in Hiroshima in 1945. His main cotributions in geography teaching are 'Human Geography (Jinbunchirigaku Kogi (1) (2))', 'Method and teaching material for primary geography education (Gutaika-seru Shogakuchirikyozai-to Kyojuho)' and 'Some aspects on geography education (Chirikyoiku-no Shomondai)'. Changes in aspect and method of his geography teaching through his books and articles are summarized as the table below, from which we restore a part of transition of geography teaching in Japan before the World War II. [table]
- 地理科学学会の論文
- 1988-10-28
- 西亀正夫氏における地理教授の変遷 : 第36回(1988年2月13日)例会発表要旨
- 地理に篤学な西亀正夫の地理教授論
- 篤学者西亀正夫氏の地理教育 : 昭和61年度地理科学学会秋季学術大会・広島史学研究会大会地理部会合同大会発表要旨