戦後日本における学生野球の制度とその理念 : 飛田穂洲と関連して
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the power relation that exists in so-called "Japanese Sports"-the Features of which are spiritualism and groupism-through exploring the foundation process of the Japan Student Baseball Association (JSBA) and the ideals laid out in the Charter of Student Baseball (Gakusei Yakyu Kensho, CSB) in the postwar era. This paper is organized in the following way. First, I will analyze the idea of BUSHIDO-YAKYU-RON as asserted by TOBITA SUISHU, the father of student baseball, in the postwar era. Second, the foundation process and ideas of the JSBA and CSB is examined. Finally the reasons why these theories that treated sport as a form of moral education spread among Japanese people are analyzed from within their social context. The conclusion of this paper is as follows. 1. The aim of TOBITA's BUSHID-YAKYU-RON was to reconstruct a chaotic Japanese Society through moral education in baseball. The Ministry of Education delegated the supervision of sport to each sport association, but decided that the aim of sport should be moral education. 3. JSBA also recognized the purpose of student baseball as moral education, and legitimated it as CSB. 4. Many Japanese people accepted the aim of sport as the ideal of reconstructing Japanese society and preventing juvenile delinquency. 5. Student baseball as a "Japanese Sport" was (and is) compelled not only from the topdown, but through a social consensus. 6. The ideals of CSB were designed by Japanese, and excluded "foreign" people in Japan.
- スポーツ史学会の論文
- 2005-03-20
- 明治後期における「一高野球」像の再検討 : 一高内外の教育をめぐる状況に着目して
- 戦時体制下における体育・スポーツ政策の展開と学生野球「弾圧」
- 日本学生野球協会の成立と「学生野球基準要綱」の制定 : 学生スポーツの理念における商業主義と教育
- 「野球統制令」と学生野球の自治 : 1930年代における東京六大学野球を中心に
- 戦後日本における学生野球の制度とその理念 : 飛田穂洲と関連して
- 書評 Allen Guttmann and Lee Thompson: Japanese Sports. A History.
- 01-28-K103-6 明治期における第一高等学校野球部の活動と「一高野球」像の再検討 : 学生スポーツと学業・教育社会との関係を手掛かりにして(01.体育史,一般研究発表抄録,ひろしま発 ひとを育む体育・スポーツ)