- 論文の詳細を見る
A hazard map is one of the useful tools which help residents to obtain disaster information in adequate time for preparation. This paper discusses the future preparation and public use of the maps. The questionnaires were made on the participants in an event on hazard mitigation and evacuation. Information was obtained from surveys and questionnaires on respondents' cognition and requests for hazard maps in Hiroshima city, in a part of which severe hazards of debris flow occurred in 1999. About 70 percent of the respondents had previous knowledge of hazard maps. Out of the 70 percent, 40 percent do not have hazard maps in their possession. The respondents, however, did not so well utilize the maps for the confirmation of evacuation areas and refuge routes. Moreover, the respondents considered different ways in acquisition of disaster information from what the administration side recommended. Some respondents have requested a map in which contents, display and information are more understandable. This survey has resulted of the proposal which includes the improvement of advertisement and distribution, as well as the holding of a workshop on the utilization of a hazard map.
- 日本自然災害学会の論文
- 2004-11-30
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