波浪による護岸周辺地盤内の浸透力に関する研究 : 破波後の波が作用する場合
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The purpose of this paper is to estimate the seepage force which generates in a permeable layer around coastal dike by breaking waves. Studies in the case of the non-breaking is already reported. The variation of the seepage force is one of the important factors which control the stability of coastal dike. The seepage force is analyzed with the finite element method and the effects of wave characteristics, the penetration depth of dike, the slope of dike and the scour hole at the toe of dike etc. are investigated. It was found that the seepage force around the sea dike decreases when the slope of dike is gently and block dike is created in front of dike. The seepage force around the end of wall is founded to decrease with the increment of wave steepness and the increment of the penetration depth of dike. In the case of a scoured hole in the toe of dikes, the variation of the seepage force is found to be enlarged around the end of the wall.
- 日本自然災害学会の論文
- 1989-12-31
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