スーザン・ヒル作The Albatross, ドリス・レッシング作 The Fifth Childにおける破壊の意味『コインロッカー・ベイビーズ』, 『悪童日記』との比較
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In The Albatross by Susan Hill and The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing, each hero plays a role of destroyer to lead each story to a tragic ending. We may find the same kind of destructive element in Coinlocker babies by Ryu Murakami and Le Grand Cahier by Agota Kristof. In The Albatross, Duncan destroyed everything around him in order to get rid of his past attached to his mother. His behavior was convincing and reasonable. In other three works of 1980's, however, their destruction were beyond our sense and power. They lived to destroy. The main purpose of this paper is to clarify that as the cause of destruction changed from reasonable desire into unreasonable one depending on the written background and the time of these works by analysing and pointing out similarities and differences of destrucion in each work.
- 1995-03-31
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