培養工学研究の展開 : 発酵工学からセルプロセッシングエンジニアリングへ
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The author summarizes the historical development of his group's research in the field of bioprocess engineering over the last 40 years. Following work in the field of fermentation engineering such as basic studies for the design and operation of aerated agitated tanks for use in microbial processes, the author conducted research to develop simulation methods for various microbial processes to be used for optimizing operational conditions or process control utilizing mechanistic models based on kinetic studies. The direction of the work then shifted to the development of new methods of simulation, not based on kinetic models, but by means of static analysis and knowledge-based approaches such as fuzzy inferencing, artificial neural networks, and expert systems. The findings were brought together to propose a new method of controlling biotechnological processes, named physiological state (PS) control. In the last decade, work has been carried out on the development of animal cell cultivation for the production of physiologically active substances and on tissue engineering for the provision of artificial organs. Some suggestions are presented for the development of"cell-processing engineering", which is essential for a wide range of applications of regenerating medicines.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2003-01-25
- 座談会「日本生物工学会80年の裏話および今後の課題と展望」(創立80周年記念特集)
- 日本の技術の国際競争力 : 東南アジアにおける環境ビジネスを例に(随縁随意)
- バイオプロダクション-ものつくりのためのバイオテクノロジー-, 化学工学会 バイオ部会編, B5判, 208頁, 定価3500円+税, コロナ社
- JABEEとこれからの技術者育成(解説 JABEE(第8回・最終回))
- 培養工学研究の展開 : 発酵工学からセルプロセッシングエンジニアリングへ
- A03 培養工学の展開 : 発酵工学からセルプロセッシングエンジニアリングへ(生物工学賞受賞講演)