フッ化物イオン定量法{JIS K 0102(34.1)}の改良
- 論文の詳細を見る
Fluoride in water samples of given fluoride concentrations has been determined based on the "JIS K 0102 (34.1)" method. The following two problems have been found : 1) near the lower limit of the concentration range in this method, an error of about +25% occurs ; 2) neither the available period nor the manner of storing the lanthanum-Alizarine complexone solution is described. the following two proposals have been made for dealing with the above two problems : 1) the value of the lower limit for the determination of fluoride should be raised ; 2) the complexone solution remains stable for about 40 days when the solution is stored in a brown bottle in a dark and cool place.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1992-02-05
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- フッ化物イオン定量法{JIS K 0102(34.1)}の改良
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- 誤差の表現に関する提言
- 1-230 プロジェクト提案型エンジニアリングデザインの試み : 応用化学分野における課題(オーガナイズドセッション:エンジニアリング・デザイン教育)