木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第6報) : 木材糖化工場の立地的解剖
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How shall we, "new born Japanese" after defeat get out of this crisis and contribute to the pease of world? There is nothing for it but to use saw dusts, natural resources left behind, for food making and ro secure a safety means of life. By the reason of difficulty in all industries to avoid bad conditions and troubles on the factory equipment and management in future, so much the election of convenient situation must be investigated carefully. Forestry fluorishes remarkably in Shizuoka Prefecture and in saw dust production the basin of the River Tenryn is the first, but considering the price and carriage the east distrit rather has remunerative terms. As the consumption of the manufactures is done mainly in the Kanto district, so Suto Village, Fuji District, Shizuoka Prefecture, where at present the factory of Fukuizumi Brewing Industrial Co., Ltd. stands, is a comparatively profitable situation to lbuilld up a small capacity plant producing 15 Koku 95% ethylalcohol per day.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1950-04-15
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第4報) : 微生物に依る脂肪の生産に就て
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第11報) : 酒精発酵殘糖の酵母原料としての利用
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第10報) : 箒蜀黍の實の酸糖化と酒精醗酵に就て
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第9報) : 木材糖化液で澱粉粕を糖化した醪の醗酵に就て
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究(第8報) : 木材糖化液で生甘藷を糖化した醪の醗酵に就いて
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- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 (第6報) : 木材糖化工場の立地的解剖
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- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 : (第3報)木材糖化液より酒精の製造
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究 : (第2報) 木材糖化液中の酒精醗酵阻害物質に就て
- 木材糖化の工業化に關する研究(第1報) : 高壓稀硫酸に依る中間工業試驗結果に就て