- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to clarify a metabolic role of pantothenic acid (PaA) derivatives accumulated in rat liver, in the experiments with ^<14>C-pantothenic acid, incorporation of the isotope into the derivatives was determined. The PaA derivatives were extracted from the liver of PaA-deficient rat after administration of ^<14>C-PaA for eight days, then applied on DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Three radiocative fractions, peak A, B and C were obtained and also detected by microbiological assay with L. arabinosus. It was found that peak A was identified with paA, peak B with 4'-phosphopantetheine and peak C with CoA, respectively, by means of paper chromatography. The ratio of radioactivity per pantothenic acid of the three compounds were 2 : 1 : 1. In the additional labelling experiment, however, the specific radioactivity of peak B (4'-phosphopantetheine) was 2.5 times as much as that of peak C (CoA). This suggests that 4'-phosphopantetheine existed in rat liver acts as a precursor of CoA biosynthesis, but not a decomposition product of CoA.
- 日本ビタミン学会の論文
- 1971-02-25
- マウス視床下部ニューロンの生成時期 : オートラジオグラフィーによる研究
- 小頭症の発生時期および原因に関するretrospective study
- Alcapton尿症の1例
- 赤血球およびリンパ球への^C-パントテン酸の取込み
- 25-I-10 赤血球ならびにリンパ球への^C-PaAの取込み(研究発表 日本ビタミン学会 : 第24回大会研究)
- 7.ラット肝におけるパントテン酸, CoAならびにその代謝中間体の分布に関する研究(THE JOURNAL OF VITAMINOLOGY : 掲載論文要旨)
- 6.赤血球およびリンパ球への^C-パントテン酸の取込み(ビタミンB研究委員会要旨 : シンポジアム : ビタミンの吸収と輸送, 特にビタミンとたんぱく質を中心として)
- ^C-パントテン酸のシロネズミ肝CoA生合成中間体へのとりこみ
- 11.パントテン酸-^CのCoA生合成中間体へのとりこみ(ビタミンB研究委員会 : 第197回会議研究発表要旨)
- 4. 尿中A_SA排泄にたいするA_SAと他のビタミンの共同作用