5 「あて材」の研究 : 第2報 「あて材」の假導管長に就いて
- 論文の詳細を見る
1 Introduction The problem of the variation of fibrous cell size of coniferous and dicotyled-onous wood has been studied by many writers, but no one has mentioned the relation between the tracheid length and the eccentric growth of the tree except late Prof. Kaneshi.Prof. Kaneshi reported as follows."The high degree of negative correlation exists between the tracheid length and the ring width. In the case of eccentricly grown tree, the tracheid length of the major radius is shorter than that of the minor radius."2 Materials and Methods Hiba(Thujopsis dolabrata) and Hinoki(Chamaecyparis obtusa) were employed for this investigation.Hiba, Sample No. 1,were cut at 0.3 and 1.3 metres high above the ground ; the former is marked section I, the later is marked section II.Hinoki, Sample No. 2,were cut at 0.1,0.3 and 1.3 metres high above the ground ; these sections are marked section I, II and III.Samples were taken in the small blocks of each section as Fig. 1.Each block was cut as large as match-sticks and was put in the SCHULTZ'S maceration fluid.3 Results The tendency of the variation of tracheid length observed in the horizontal and vertical axis of the trees coincids with the formr theories, but there is no relation between the tracheid length and the ring width of the compression wood. (In the case of a normal wood, there is a high degree of negative correlation between the tracheid length and the ring width.)The tracheid length in a eccentricly grown tree becomes longer in proportion to the ring width from the minimum radius to the medium radius along the annual ring ; and then it becomes shorter and shorter until it comes to the maximum radius.The tracheid length of minmum radius part is longer than that of maximum radius part in the case of medium heavy compression wood, but in the case of heavy compression wood, the relation between the tracheid length and ring width is contrary to the former case.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1950-01-25
- 2 樹幹形の力學的考察(豫報)(林産の部)(昭和25年日本林學會春季大會)
- 1 心材の力學的考察(豫報)(林産の部)(昭和25年日本林學會春季大會)
- 525. 集成アーチ材の板の厚さと曲率半径との関係について(第64回日本林学会大会)(ON THE 64 th MEETING OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY)
- 424. 帶鋸目立, 特にアサリ幅に関する2,3の考察(第64回日本林学会大会)(ON THE 64 th MEETING OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY)
- 407. あて材の研究(第IV報)ヒバあて材の收縮
- 東北地方産ヒバ材の研究 : (第1報)ヒバ材の比重並に收縮率(林産の部)(第60回日本林學會大會並に第5回九州支部大會)
- 5 「あて材」の研究 : 第2報 「あて材」の假導管長に就いて
- 4 「あて材」の研究 : 第1報 針葉樹「あて材」假導管壁の螺旋状裂罅について
- 木材の微細構造より見たる渡邊博士の「樹幹の内應力」に就て