27 樹葉の燃燒
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[table] Assuming the water content of the green leaf beeing 50%, the correlation between the thickness of the leaf and the kindling time is intimate. This relation is showed by the following equation : y=2.55+0.304x Fig. 1.Assuming the thickness of the green leaf beeing 100 μ, the correlation between the water content of the leaf and the kindling time is not so intimate. This relation is showed by the following equation.y=0.95+0.066x SASA, KUSU, SHIRAKASHI are especially to burn in proportion to their water content ratio. Fig. 2.The correlation between the water content and the kindling time is intimate. This relation is showed by the following equation : y=2.89+0.607x Fig. 3.The correlation between the kindling time and the thickness of the green leaf which stand alone indoor in several days and was measured soon after it rained, is not so intimate. This relation is showed by the following equation : y=0.49+0.150x The correlation between the thickness of the leaf, which was dried in the open air, and the kindling time is intimate, but that for the absolutely dried leaf is not intimate.The kindling time of the absolute dried leaf is 23% faster than that of the green leaf. These relations are showed by thefollowing equation.Leaf in the open air : y=0.24+0.137x Absolutely dried leaf : y=1.18+0.061x Incombutibility Some species of the broad leaved trees are incombustible, but there is no incombustible coniferous trees, except HINOKI.Caloric power It is likely that the caloric power has hardly any concern with thickness of leaf. Table. 4.The leaf incombustible and of high water content has low caloric power.
- 一般社団法人日本森林学会の論文
- 1951-04-25
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