10 積雪地方森林地からの流出量
- 論文の詳細を見る
Results of some investigations about the amount of stream-flow from the watershed covered with forest in the deep-snow-district are reported in this article. The amount of stream-flow were measured with the self-recording-tidegauge situated at the Simotakizawa in the College-Forest in the Omyojin village, Iwate prefecture. Meteorological factors were observed near the place. The observations were performed from 1931 to 1942.After investigations the following are obtained.1) The amount of annual precipitation and that of stream-flow are closely related each other. Tth correlation coefficient between the both amounts is 0.71.The mutual relation is shown by the following equation.y=0.71x-246.32 (m.m.)But after observation of the relation between the two (x and y) during seven months from June to November, it is found that the correlation coefficient is 0.91 : that is to say, this is more closely related with the two than the other case. And the mutual relation can be shown by the following equation.y=0.70x-231.81 (m.m.)2) The precipitation which is most closely related to the stream-flow is not always that of the same month but that of the previous month or some other months before. The most closely related ones and the correlation coefficients between the two are as follows. January VIII+IX+X+XI+XII+I 0.681 February XII+I 0.539 March III 0.464 April XII+I+II 0.711 XI+XII+I+II 0.717 May II+III+IV+V 0.902 Jun VI 0.790 July VII 0.965 August 0.944 September IX+X 0.661 October 0.920 November XI 0.941 December VII+VIII+IX+X+XI+XII 0.421 Note : The roman letters denote the months, when the amount of precipitation is observed. The greatest effect of melting snow upon the amount of stream-flow is observed in April, which starts from March to May, and very little in June.They say that they will have plenty water for the irrigation in the coming year when they have much snow in winter, but it is clearly seen that the effect of the melting snow will limited by the end of May ; the season for the rice nursery.The stream-flow is caused by the melting snow by the end of May, so snow conserves the headwater compared with rain.3) About the forecasting of the amount of stream-flow in the snow-melting season. The amount of stream-flow in April is greatly effected by the total amount of precipitation either from November or December to the end of February. The precipitation in April does not amount much. The following equation will formulized between the amount of precipitation from December to February (x) and the amount of stream-flow in April (y).y=0.6x-5.1 The forecasting for the other months is very difficult.
- 日本森林学会の論文
- 1950-02-25
- 806 「小流域からの蒸発散量推定への林地土壌含水量について」(第77回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- 738. 林地含水量の流出量に及ぼす影響(第76回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
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- 813 中間流の野外実験における若干の考察(第78回日本林学会大会)
- 417. 御明神演習林上早坂沢治水試験地の性格に関する2,3の考察(第75回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- 907. 御明神演習林内治水的比較試験地の性格決定に関する一考察(第74回日本林学会大会講演要旨)
- シンポジュウム
- 205.御明神演習林治水試験地における森林の砂防効果発揮の一事例(防災・森林利用)(第71回日本林学会大会)
- 127.流出量に及ぼす森林密度の効果に関する室内実験(予報)
- 601. 林地滲透能判定のための実験について
- 431. 水源涵養保安林設定に関する水文学的因子について(第I報) : 北上川流域を実例にとりて(防災)(第68回日本林学会大会)
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- 333. 高水量曲線に及ぼす森林密度の影響について(第64回日本林学会大会)(ON THE 64 th MEETING OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY)
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- 301. 計算法による林地滲透能についての1,2の考察
- 加藤誠平著林業土木学産業図書株式会社(昭和26年4月)339頁定価450円
- 55 流量に及ぼす流域變数の研究(林業の部)(昭和25年日本林學會春季大會)
- 10 積雪地方森林地からの流出量
- 砂防堰堤放水路の大きさ決定法に就て
- 7. 砂防堰提放水路の大さ決定に就て(昭和十一年日本林學會春季大會講演要旨)