- 論文の詳細を見る
The 93^<rd> general meeting and symposium of our Law and Politics Society were held at Keio University (Mita Campus) on November 18th and 19th of the year 2000. The main theme was "IT revolution and its Legal and Political Ramifications" the symposium was preceded by two commemorative lectures given by Professor Heizo Takenaka of Keio University and Mr.Shun Sakurai of the Communication Bureau in the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Both were leading members of the IT strategy meeting. Professor Takenaka, an influential economist in our country, spoke on the theme of "The Japanese Economy Under the IT Revolution and Policy Management." Mr. Sakurai who is directly taking charge of promoting the IT Revolution in Japan gave a lecture with the theme "Promoting the IT Revolution." Both lectures were very instructive and useful. We appreciate not only the two speakers but also the planning committee, which chose such a suitable theme with the 21-century so near at hand. Following the lectures five panelists presented their research in this session. First, Mr. Toyohiko Ohasi of NEC Research Institute and Shomi Gakuen University presented on the theme of "The Electronic Government's Present Condition and the Way the Government Should be and Whether IT could be the Cause to Change Administration." It was an informative report, which was a persuasive using experience rich from business field. Second, Mr. Hiroyuki Nagayama of Hiroshima University presented on the theme of "IT, the Government, and Governance." He discussed the theme of illegal access prohibitive law with respect to the problem of network security. Third, Mr. Masakiyo Kimura of Assistant and Best Consultant Office presented on the theme of "IT Strategy and Strategic Management." He said that the problem was how management is connected to IT strategy. Fourth, Mr. Yasuhiko Ooishi of Kansai University presented on the theme of "IT Revolution and Protection of Personal Information." He discussed the constitutional position of protection of personal information and a detailed analysis based on facts made from this organic act. The last panelist Mr. Kotaku Ishido of Chukyo University presented on the theme of "IT Revolution and Computer Related Crime." He indicated that high-tech crime is increasing and the current sentences were not acting as an effective deterrent. There were some questions and answers after these important presentations. This symposium ended successfully at 17:15. We are thankful for all of the people at Keio University who helped organize this meeting.
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