シンポジゥム「グローバリゼーションへの対応」 (グローバリゼーションへの対応)
- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) Trends in Compliance and Corporate Govemance Rep. Mr. Akira Tabata(Lawyer) The high incidence of scandals and corporate collapse in Japan has led to the implementation of a strategy of corporate compliance. Organizational and procedural issues for corporate lawyers, the handling of foreign capital, increasing awareness pertaining to stocks and the rationalization of business are examined under the ordinance of "Corporate Govemance" by a variety of executive bodies. Beginning with companies such as Sony, real inroads are being made. Actual problems confronted by in-house company lawyers are examined along with current developments in the OECD concerning Corporate Governance. (2) Deregulation and a new Government Image Rep. Prof. Hideki Noboru(Meijo Univ.) Beginning with Thatcher and Reagan and having an impact even on the Nakasone Cabinet, deregulation and privatization are today the global standard. The balance of the public and private sectors are examined along with points pertaining to an historical overview of the meaning of rationalizing government and the success of welfare. (3) Globalizafion and Policy Formation of Government and Administration Rep. Prof. Hideaki Kuwahara(Tokiwa Univ.)Globalization has meant that for cases such as the non-payment of fees by foreigners in emergency medical treatment, the historical administrative model of dealing with problems, is insufficient in the current circumstances. A "top-down" pyramid shaped system of administration, a lack of accountability and an administrative response that fails to recognize individuality and uniqueness are proving to be inadequate for the plethora of today's requests. Discussion centered around the creation of a more applicable administrative system which can deal with ruew problems with speed and efficiency. (4) Bankruptcy in Local Government and its Aftermath-the case of Irvine City, California Rep. Mr. Toraaki Nakamura(Keio Univ.) In 1994, failures in futures trading led to the loss of $1.5 billion by the Finance Department of Orange County, California. This sum bankrupted the local government and remains one of the largest losses of its kind on record. Attracting world attention and also reported by the Japanese media at the time, the case, to this day, fails to be adequately explained and resolved. The Irvine case proves ideal in expounding the shortcomings of the financial systems of local American government. (5) Globalization of the Organized Crime Rep. Prof. Yoshihiro Yamauchi(Keiai Univ.) In recent years, in concurrence with the rapid development of modern technologies, a new type of insidious and yet bodacious crime has also become prevalent. Crime ranging from credit card fraud and computer related crime to the buying and selling of drugs and firearms, has been taldng on an increasingly international stature.A number of points were discussed from a criminal law perspective and shown was Japan's recognization that combative measures are needed at an international level and that international cooperation is necessary. At any rate, there are many problems to investigatein the Bill of Countermeasure against Organized Crime. Following the various speeches detailed above, question time was actively pursued for a further one hour and a half. Despite a need for more time, and the zeal with which questions were asked, the chairman was able to sum up and provide an informative summary of day's proceedings.
- 日本法政学会の論文
- 1999-11-15
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- シンポジゥム「グローバリゼーションへの対応」 (グローバリゼーションへの対応)
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