O-18 Presurgical maxillary orthopedics for a patient with bilateral oblique facial clefts
Yokoyama T.
Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido University and Hakodate Chuo Hospital
Igawa H.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokhaido University School Of Medicine
Kawasima K.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
Kawasima K.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Sugihara T.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Sugihara T.
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Medicine
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- O-18 Presurgical maxillary orthopedics for a patient with bilateral oblique facial clefts
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