Molecular characterization of regenerated cardiomyocytes derived from adult mesenchymal stem cells
Fukuda Keiichi
Institute for Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics, Keio University School of Medicine
Fukuda Keiichi
Institute For Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics Keio University School Of Medicine
- PJ-365 Demonstration of the expression of Chondromodulin-1, a potent angioinhibitory factor, in the developing and adult heart(Molecular Biology, Vascular 2 (H) : PJ61)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- PE-397 Bone marrow-derived regenerated cardiomyocytes after myocardial infarction were not originated from hematopoietic stem cells(Apoptosis/Necrosis/Regeneration 2 (M) : PE68)(Poster Session (English))
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- Molecular characterization of regenerated cardiomyocytes derived from adult mesenchymal stem cells
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- OE-366 A Novel Prostaglandin E Synthase, mPGES-2, is Involved in Pressure Overload-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats(Cardiac Hypertrophy, Basic and Clinical 1 (M) : OE46)(Oral Presentation (English))
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- Development of cell transplantation therapy for heart failure using bone-marrow-derived regenerated cardiomyocyte
- Molecular characterization of regenerated cardiomyocte derived from adult stem cells