- 論文の詳細を見る
Tsukuba Science City is a newly constructed city situated within the old farming areas of Tsukuba, Japan. The new development, therefore, has had a great impact not only on the original inhabitants of the central district but also on the others in the nearby areas. With the progress of the construction of the new city, the consciousness, values, attitudes, and behaviors of the population have been transformed from the traditional to the modern type. Six sets of survey data on attitudes and behaviors were collected over 10 years period. Based on these data, we made first the index of diversity of attitudes and behaviors which may represent the level of urbanization of the residents' consciousness. Then, into a mathematical model integrating time and space, we formulated the process of change in this index at several regions for 10 years period. The result indicates the model to be fitted well enough to describe the urbanization process according to the distance from the center of the town and to the lapse of time since the basic year.
- 1987-11-20
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