禁止された立場の受容にリアクタンスが及ぼす効果 : 自由への脅威が態度と一致する場合に通常生じる効果は何か
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In this study it was hypothesized that reactance would increase the tendency to accept the threatened positions (positions on the opposite side and neutral position), even when reactance arousal did not reduce positive opinion change. Subjects under the high threat condition read an attitude-consistent and high-pressure message. A low threat message involved no expressions involving high-pressure. Subjects under the control condition read no message. The results revealed that there was no difference between the compliance in the low and high threat conditions, and both were greater than the opinion change in the control condition. On the other hand, subjects under the high threat condition perceived the prohibited positions as more agreeable than subjects under the low threat condition. These results support the hypothesis, and it would further suggest the effects of the reactance which is aroused by attitude-consistent threat. When the degree of prerequisites for reactance is low, high-pressure support will result in moderate compliance, accompanied by subjective responses to reactance (e.g., hostility) and an increased tendency to accept the threatened positions.
- 1995-12-15
- 禁止された立場の受容にリアクタンスが及ぼす効果 : 自由への脅威が態度と一致する場合に通常生じる効果は何か
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