絶對性不整脈の臨床的研究 : 第1報 絶對性不整脈の統計的觀察 : その1 臨床的事項
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Results of clinical observations made on 310 cases of arrhythmia absoluta, are as follows : 1) In arrhythmia absoluta, there were 290 cases of auricular fibrillation and 20 cases of auricular flutter.2) In auricular fibrillation there were many cases between the ages of 50 to 69 years, while 80.9% of the total number were over 40 years of age.3) Arrhythmia absoluta was associated most often with arteriosclerotic or hypertensive heart disease, the proportion to the total number of cases was 73%.4) Complication of congestive heart failure was observed in 64% of chronic auricular fibrillation and in 20% of paroxysmal auricular fibrillation.5) There were 34 cases complicated with emboli, 29 of which had emboli in the brain.6) The mortality rate of chronic auricular fibrillation was 11.1% within 6 months, 14.2% within 1 year, 20.0% within 2 years, 27.3% within 3 years, 32.2% within 4 years, 38.3% within 5 years and 50.7% within 6 years.Survival rate was 88.9% within 6 months, 85.8% within 1 year, 80.0% within 2 years, 72.7% within 3 years, 67.8% within 4 years, 61.7% within 5 years and 49.3% within 6 years.Associated diseases, complication of congestive heart failure, formation of T wave and f wave influenced the prognosis in some degree.7) As to the working ability of patients with chronic auricular fibrillation, only 17% were able to work the same as normal subjects.Although including cases taking medication, only about one-half of the cases were working in a normal occupation.8) In 13 cases, several kinds of operations were performed. One case of prostate hypertrophy and one case of gastric cancer with carcinomatous peritonitis died and the remaining 11 cases were operated on successfully.
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 1958-11-20
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